Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Ireland 2015

We had visited Ireland in 2007 and now with a new Toohig we thought we needed to go back. We wanted to revisit some places and see some new places.

We flew into Dublin and rented a VolksWagen Caddy.

And we filled it up.

We lunched at Wineport as we drove across Ireland to The Lodge at Ashford Castle.

We explored Ashford Castle and the nearby Cong village.

We stopped at Friary of Ross as we drove to Blarney Castle.

Our next overnight destination was Galley Head Lighthouse just outside Clonakilty.

We took a break on Red Strand Beach.

We stopped at Drombeg Stone Circle on the way to Dingle.

We drove Slea Head Drive and then crossed Conor Pass and stopped at Cloghane on the way to Shores Country House.

We got lost on Castlegregory and discovered Obama's ancestral home at Moneygall.

Our last night was in Dublin.

Don't think we've made our last trip to Ireland.